
Showing posts from September, 2009

Pwede ka ba ma-miss?

 I miss you so much, Nans.  I wanted to write you a poem but I decided I didn’t want to be all mushy and poetic and stuff. I wanted to be true and not just acknowledge just the “good” things about you, which is what usually happens with poems. I wanted to remember you as someone human, as someone who also had faults. Besides, being flawed made you more endearing, I believe. You showed us that your imperfections did not hinder you. They instead helped you understand others more and love more. Your being human made you love the rest of humanity to the fullest.  I know that not all our moments before were great. We had our tiffs and misunderstandings - lots of those really. But then, when I think about it now, even those were great. It added character to our relationship as mother and son. We had our little dance – dance of swords sometimes. But we danced and that’s what counts.  Then, there’s the fact that I am your son. I am bound to be as feisty and stubborn as you. But I di