
Showing posts from 2003

Playing Fetch (Nina Series)

1 My alarm clock went off. I opened my eyes, grabbed it and hit the snooze button. It was only 7:30, five more minutes of lying motionless wouldn’t hurt, I thought. There was nothing to do anyway. Summer vacation was a great break from another year of tormenting academic responsibilities back in college. But being left at home with only Ate Melissa to keep me company was not what I had in mind. I have had it with noon time shows with gyrating girls. 2 I stared at the ceiling and began to think. A lizard suddenly caught my attention as it darted across. It was chasing a spider. I started to cheer for it. It was bound to get the little arachnid. It was fast and big, there was no escape. Or so I thought for the spider managed to jump off from the ceiling and swing unto a picture frame on the wall. Well, there would be other days for the lizard. 3 The phone rang. I reached for the cordless beside my bed. 4 “Hello?” 5 “Get your fat butt out of bed and do some exercise