
Showing posts from December, 2009


"Don't aspire to be the envy of someone. Aspire to be someone's inspiration instead." - Red's musings while thinking about the future Life gets challenging at times but then that's life. I once was told that things become more difficult when we find ourselves ready for things to be difficult. If things were always easy, and we get used to the easiness, there won't be much development - if there is any development at all.  It's kinda like school. We go from grade 1 to grade 2 because we've learned and experienced everything there is to learn and experience in first grade. We must go forward. We must grow. And growing takes a lot of hard work. But I believe it's all worth it. We discover a lot of things about ourselves and we discover new and deeper ways to relate to the world and others in the process. We get from point A to point B. We become wiser and more aware - at least, I believe so. We get some scratches and bruises when we make mistakes