
"Don't aspire to be the envy of someone. Aspire to be someone's inspiration instead."
- Red's musings while thinking about the future

Life gets challenging at times but then that's life.

I once was told that things become more difficult when we find ourselves ready for things to be difficult. If things were always easy, and we get used to the easiness, there won't be much development - if there is any development at all. 

It's kinda like school. We go from grade 1 to grade 2 because we've learned and experienced everything there is to learn and experience in first grade. We must go forward. We must grow.

And growing takes a lot of hard work. But I believe it's all worth it. We discover a lot of things about ourselves and we discover new and deeper ways to relate to the world and others in the process. We get from point A to point B. We become wiser and more aware - at least, I believe so.

We get some scratches and bruises when we make mistakes, sure. But they're nothing a little love, some time and lots of chocolates can't handle. 

I once saw printed on a shirt (and a good friend sent the same message to me through text) that God only makes happy endings. If it's not happy then it's not the end.

So life can get challenging. So what? 

I have always believed that life tends to make everything up to us and it gives us something extra for the trouble. (Okay, so I forget this sometimes but I'm glad I remember or I am reminded of it at the right moments, when it counts.)

My mother told me that life is hard. But she also said that once I realize this it gets easier.

I think it's about trust and acceptance (which are two things I continuously learn more about and practice). And it's kinda like the serenity prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can 
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Why am I going on and on with this? Because I've recently found myself in a rough patch. And I've done my bit of complaining and ranting about it and those didn't do the trick. So I'm trying trust and acceptance again - and serenity and courage. They have worked before. I trust they will work now (See? I'm practicing already.).

Now if I can only get the wisdom bit working 100 percent of the time...


  1. "Don't aspire to be the envy of someone. Aspire to be someone's inspiration instead."

    I think people from TSG are generally not my crowd. What I mean is that, you all seem to be friendly, straight, successful, sweet and in control. And I don't see myself in that light. And when I found out that we have some similarities in terms of "family background", you without doing anything kinda inspired me. that things like that, shouldn't hold me back or slow me down. I sincerely thought that if you could be a good guy, maybe I can be a good girl. hehe

    (problem is that you said akala ko lang good guy ka, hahaha!)

  2. Naks naman! hehe. I am not really sure what to say to that. Thank you, maybe? hehe. (I suddenly feel that you will either deny or retract your statements. haha)

    In any case, I think a crowd is a crowd is a crowd. You're around and we're around and that's that. TSG is a mishmash of all sorts of people and that's what gives it character, I believe. Variety is more fun than sameness, don't you think? So to hell with lights. Haha.

    Besides, it is often said that nothing is as it seems. I believe we all have our own shit to shovel and we all have our own ways of shoveling. But, as I always say, whatever works. If you got pointers from the way I shovel, good. Maybe you could show me a thing or two. hehe.

    Oh, I must reiterate na akala mo lang good guy ako. hehe. Masaya maging evil sometimes. (I remember Satan's line in South Park: Without evil there's no good so there must be good in evil somehow.)

    Siyempre excuse lang yon.

  3. ...and a nice, out-of-the-blue text from a good soul like alred, aww. :-)

  4. Amen to this.

    I got used to easiness in some aspects of my life that I got so lost when bumpy rides came.


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