
Showing posts from April, 2012


April 19, 2012 After allowing my anger and my bitterness, I have come to realize that what I was after from the beginning was to love her and ensure her happiness. And if she feels loved and happy now, I guess I got what I wished for anyway. It's just unfortunate that I am not the one doing the loving and making her happy. But it's more unfortunate that I was not the one chosen to be loved and made happy back. But that's life. I did say I'll respect her choice. So I'll respect it now. Besides, I have already gone through the motions. Allowing my feelings apparently helps me gain peace faster. However, just to be clear, I was hurt by what she did. I felt slighted being cut off and left to wonder what was happening and if I did something to offend her. It was also painful to have learned of developments from other sources instead of straight from her. I was hurt that she could not talk to me about it. I was expecting her to be better than that. But I