
Showing posts from July, 2008


You told me to sit still. And I tried and did for a while. But then a twitch and an itch happened. And stillness eluded me. So go back to being still, you said. But running and jumping seemed so fun. I thought you'd get angry but you just watched. Aren't you going to stop me? I asked. A simple no you uttered. You're free to do what you want, you said. So I ran and I jumped and turned cartwheels and all. And I felt free. I felt light. I felt right. Then I got tired and my jump became a skip. My run became a walk. And I turned to you and asked, May I sit once more? You smiled and pointed beside you. My child, your spot has been waiting for you Until you have chosen to sit once more. That's what you said. And I walked towards you, With your hand you reached out. Sit here with me, you said. Sit and be still. And I tried and I did. And rest came to soothe my weariness. And balance asked if it may sit with me. And you smiled. And I felt free. I felt light. I felt right.

kinuha ko kay maica (dahil uso yata mga personality tests)

The Slow Dancer Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer ( DGLD ) Steady, reliable, and cradling her tenderly. Take a deep breath, and let it out real are The Slow Dancer Your focus is love, not sex, and for your age, you have average experience. But you're a great, thoughtful guy, and your love life improves every year. There's also a powerful elimination process working in your favor: most Playboy types get stuck raising unwanted kids before you even begin settling down. The women left over will be hot and yours. Your ideal woman is someone intimate, intelligent, and very supportive. While you're not exactly the life of the party, you do thrive in small groups of smart people. Your circle of friends is extra tight and it's HIGHLY likely they're just like you. You appreciate symmetry in relationships. Your exact male opposite: The Hornivore Random Brutal Sex Master Always avoid: The Battleaxe (DBLM) Consider: The Maid of Honor (DGLM), The Sonne

Dahil I'm manong

Subjective leadership (This is how I see it)   If you were a child and I were your father and I wanted you to eat vegetables then what would be the best way to make you do it?   Forcing you will just end up in a disaster and a lot of wasted food. I can't shove spoonfuls of vegetables (in this case ampalaya) into your mouth and expect you to take in everything. You'd probably spit it out and throw a tantrum for good measure.   I'd have to cook the ampalaya in a way that may appeal to you. I'd have to give you well presented small servings that you may be inclined to try and finish eating.   I'd have to be patient and wait until you develop a taste for it. But more importantly, I'd have to show you that I eat it too and that I enjoy it. Maybe when you see me taking pleasure in something, you'd figure you could take pleasure in it too. But I'd also have to release all my expectations of you liking what I prepared. You have your own choices to ma

Laid-back doer

Dinekwat ko mula sa blog ni Angge. Laid-back Doer (LD) Laid-back Doers are friendly, happy persons. They enjoy being together with other people. Smart, eloquent, witty and charming, they like to be the centre of attraction. They do not like to be alone. Their zest for life ensures that others feel well in their company and that they quickly get to know people. Laid-back Doers get the best out of every moment - many people of this type have a gift for making their whole life one big party. Boredom is unknown in their presence because they are very good at carrying others away with their enthusiasm, their good mood and their optimism. Abstract thinking and profound philosophising about the meaning of life appeal less to Laid-back Doers. They are pragmatic, realistic and live completely in the here and now. At work too, they prefer it when it’s all go and they can act out their purposeful manner to the full. They have no problem handling several tasks at once and they blossom out in cri