Scenes I'd Like To See (Jeco)

January 5, 2008; Around 20 minutes after 9pm...

Jeco stood up from his chair and walked out of the news room. He decided to pass by the 7-11 at Timog to buy some instant noodles and instant coffee. An unusual choice of action away from his routine but something he could not explain was driving him.

He stepped out of the GMA building and took a whiff of stale, Manila air. With his arms akimbo he took a glance at his surroundings. Some people were milling about trying to catch a ride home.

Jeco sighed. It was a typical night for him. As most of the city's denizens rushed home, Jeco's night was just starting. Such was the nature of his work.

He shrugged and continued on to the store.

As he entered the swing doors he saw her at the counter, paying for an asado siopao and a bottle of C2 apple.

She caught sight of him, too.

"Hi,” she greeted him with a smile and a wave.

“Uy! This is a pleasant surprise. That your dinner?” Jeco said.

“Breakfast actually. Hadn’t eaten the entire day,” she said.

“That busy, huh? Part of the package,” Jeco quipped and shook his head.

She gave an amused smile, “Yup, part of the package. What are you doing here, Mr. Writer?”

“I have this sudden urge for instant noodles and coffee. So here I am.”

“Well, since you’re here, would you like to join me?” she offered.

Jeco stood in silence for a while and anyone who might have seen him that moment would’ve sworn Jeco’s eyes lit up.

“I think that would be lovely,” he finally said.

January 5, 2008. Around 30 minutes after 9pm. Jeco set his bowl of noodles and coffee on the table and sat beside her. And for a moment he thought, ‘This may not be a typical night after all.’


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