Down with the sickness
Okay, maybe not quite. I have a cold, which for me is one of the worst kinds of dis-eases.The sniffles makes you feel like crap but it doesn't really incapacitate you. You just feel - well, crappy. Here's what Hay has to say about colds: Too much going on all at once Mental confusion, disorder. Small hurts. Quite right. I have so many small worries right now, which, by the way, I take full responsibility for. How did I get to this? Resistance; plain, old resistance. Because I failed to listen to my Self. I really ought to practice saying no more often to be able to say yes to some bigger things. A good thing that has happened though, was that I have become aware of what I wasn't listening to before. Now, I can go about shifting. Thank you, Universe. Hay, sayang it had to come to this. But, well, I live, I learn. Mucus accumulates in my nostrils, I still learn. I choose to recharge. Now to plan my vacation.