Scenes I'd like to see

*This is me just having fun.

Dedicated to a good friend of mine. :)

Friday, 7:00 pm, Associate’s Office

 She placed her satchel on her desk and turned on her desk lamp. She sat on her chair and pulled out a folder containing the case files she needed to read for Monday morning’s hearing.

 “Laine?” she called. A woman then walked into her office, her purse hanging on her shoulder.

 “Yes, ma’am?” the young intern said.

 “Oh, were you about to leave? I was going to ask for a cup of coffee.”

 “Just meeting some of my friends. I’ll go make you a cup in the pantry right now.” Laine turned to leave.

 “No, wait. You go on ahead. You’ve been working hard all day. I can fix myself a cup.”

 “It wouldn’t be any problem.”

 “No, I insist you go. I’ll be fine.”

 "Are you sure, ma’am? I know you’ve had a long day yourself. A long week, if I may say so even.”

 “Yes, I know. But it’s okay. You go.”

 She smiled.

 “All right then. Take care, ma’am. And ma’am, please don’t over work yourself. It’s a Friday.”

 Laine smiled then walked out the door.

 She smiled back and watched the intern leave. Again she was left alone in the office. Third time this week.

 She arranged her files on the table and when she was satisfied that her things were neatly in place she rose from her seat and proceeded to the pantry to make a cup of coffee. She returned shortly and set the steaming cup down. She began to study the cases she set on her desk.

 “They told me I’d find you here,” she heard a voice say.

 A bit startled, her eyes darted towards the door and to the man standing there smiling. She thought he looked familiar and waited for her eyes to focus on the figure’s face.

 “A table desk with a nameplate on it, I always thought an Attorney before your name sounded cool,” he said.

 “You’re back!” she rose quickly from her chair.

 “Just this morning,” he smiled, “Please, you don’t have to stand up for me. I ought to be the one standing up for you, Ms. Attorney.”

 She slowly sat back down and gestured towards the chair in front of her desk.

“Please, take a seat. What brings you here? And who are ‘they’ who told you I’m here.”

 “Our beloved orgmates, of course. As to why I’m here, well, I missed you. I wanted to see you.”

 She remained silent.

 “What, you don’t believe I missed you?” he said.

 “It’s just that you have a weird way of showing it or not showing it for that matter.”

 “I knew you would say that.”

 “Oh, did you? You know, I don’t think an email would have been too much trouble; or a line on Plurk, perhaps.”

 “You’re irked, I get that. I deserve your ire, too. I had hoped traipsing in here with a smile would save me from this but I was wrong.” He flashed a grin.

 She frowned when he said that.

 He wiped his smile off his face quick. His forehead furrowed and his face turned ashen.


 “Look, I didn’t mean to act all cocky and nonchalant. Seriously, I’m sorry. I have no excuses. I wouldn’t want to insult your intelligence. I was wrong, terribly wrong. It’s my fault any way you look at it. But I did think of you, quite often, if I may say.”

 More silence.

 “Why I didn’t let you know? I don’t know. I guess I was scared. I was stupid. Well even now I guess I’m stupid. It’s a dangerous combination being stupid and scared.”

 “But believe me. I did miss you. I have missed you all the while. I miss our talks. I miss laughing with you. I miss walking by your side. I miss you. And I have been a fool to have not acted on it and I’m sorry.”

 He looked at her eyes as he spoke and she met his gaze. Then he fell silent. A minute passed, and another. They just looked at each other, waiting for the other’s next move.

 “Are you done? Do you have anything else to say?” she broke the silence.

 “No, I guess not.”

 “I see.”

 He let a moment pass then rose from his chair and slowly made for the door. He glanced back at her and saw her watching him and nothing else.

 “Listen, I honestly had hoped for something different to happen. I don’t know if I have the right to ask you this now, but I’d like to invite you to dinner. Perhaps we could talk more? Forgive me for sounding selfish but I wouldn’t want to leave on a sour note.”

 She let out a sigh.

 He stood there.

 “For all that talk and pomp, it certainly took you long enough to ask me out.”

 She smiled.









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