I'm half gay. That makes me 1/4 female.
(Inspired by a conversation with Angge last Sunday and Jeco's Guilty Pleasures.) That's what I told people back in college when they asked me why I was the way I was. Now, I conveniently tell people, "Mass Comm ako eh," to explain why I can appreciate the clothes worn by the characters in Sex and the City The Movie. But those are just excuses. They say it's being in touch with my feminine side. Well, whatever. I read Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley High back in elementary school along with my Marvel and DC comics. I never got into that Hardy Boys bit though. I played and still play basketball, tatsing, habulan, luksong baka, soccer and other physical sports. But I also played and would probably still play 10-20 and Chinese garter. I've cried and will probably still cry in some movies (Patch Adams immediately comes to mind) and have voluntarily watched my fair share of chick flicks. But I didn't flinch during the battle scenes of Braveheart and haven...
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