Wellness at the Office

Here's an article I wrote last year based on an interview I did with Tito Frank. It was to be part of Makati's commemorative magazine.

I believe it will benefit those who are working or studying. But these suggestions and tips could generally be applied in all aspects of our lives.

Wellness at the Office

Here are some advice and quick tips from Tito Frank Regis on how to de-stress, relax and gain some peace of mind about work.

See your job as part of a whole process.

See how your job contributes to the bigger picture so as to realize how important your job is. You must need to see why at this moment you have to be the one to do that. The simple feeling of confidence, knowing the perspective of your job, understanding people more will make you less reactive, less defensive, therefore, less miserable.

Do not judge the job and yourself.

If this is the job you are doing now, you must see it only as a role, a very temporary role that can change anytime. And since this is a role, it is not permanent and therefore you must not compare yourself with others. Stop judging yourself. Stop judging other people. Just do your best.

When you have accepted to do a job, stop thinking of the rewards and just give it your best all the time.

Excellence simply means that whatever job it is that you’ve agreed to do, you always give it your best. That is the highest form of spirituality that you can give to your job. The rewards of your best are automatic by natural law.  It does not have to come from the company you are working with. Your reward may come from another direction but natural law says that you get exactly what you deserve and you will get exactly what you put in.

Love your body.

Get good sleep all the time. Eat the right kind of food. Exercise regularly. Do not abuse the body so that you will be more stress-resistant.


Love your mind.

Silencing the mind and meditation are awesome. If properly taught and the right kind of meditation is done regularly, then that will go a long way towards maintaining your stability, mental balance and psychological balance. Love your mind by cleaning it of the trash as often as you can through meditation.


Love yourself and your job and make friends.

It is very difficult to love other people if you do not even love yourself. How do you love yourself more? Get to know yourself better. Like yourself. Be a friend to yourself. And then everybody else will be having an easier time being your friend. Make friends. They take out a lot of stresses. Friends are a very powerful support system. The more friends you have, the less stress affects you.


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