
"Sometimes all one needs is for someone to remind him or her that everything is going to be okay. Never mind the hows and the other details. People just need to believe, to trust, and they can go on."
- musings while commuting back to LB

It helps to have friends around. Despite the stresses and pressures of life, friends are able to make things bearable, even wonderful. They take your mind off things of no import and let it focus on the stuff that really matter - like happy and laughter-filled relationships.

Friends keep you hopeful, and in a world that has suffered several tragedies, that counts for a lot. To have hope means having the strength and resolve to endure and surpass obstacles.

It is because of friends that, in the midst of adversity, people are able to move on. Their support and their love help you continue on arduous journeys and laugh off problems.

I once was told that true friends are people who, when you stumble and fall, will pick you up and say, "Tatanga-tanga ka kasi eh."

After a quick, "Oo nga eh. Ulol!" I think you'll have enough will to smile and walk on.

Worked for me, at least.


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